06/12/2013 - 17:05
Early january the Slovak President, Ivan Gašparovič has once and for all refused to appoint Jozef Čentéš as Attorney General, even though he had been legally elected by the Parliament. This refusal has led to an attempt of impeaching the President. Was that a disproportionate measure?
A justified presidential refusal
A step back for the young democracy

06/12/2013 - 09:02
Early elections of March 2012 were marked by the unprecedented victory of SMER-SD, which formed the first single party government of the post-communist era of Slovakia. Which direction has the country taken under the aegis of Prime Minister Robert Fico?
The government's success is not questionable anymore
A year later: only an apparent success

01/31/2013 - 02:22
Friday, March 30th 2012, the recently elected Prime Minister Robert Fico confirmed his intention to abolish the post of Government vice-president responsible for human rights and national minorities. Is this the first sign of a toughening regime or is it simply an austerity measure?
Mistreatment of Human and National Minority Rights
Misinterpretation of the protection of Human Rights

01/31/2013 - 02:00
Robert Fico was once again elected on April 4th 2012. His style of governing seems to have undergone a radical change since his first term as head of government from 2006 – 2010. How should we interpret his way of governing? Can Robert Fico be described as a populist?
A Social-democratic Program must not be mistaken for Populism
The Calm before the Storm

01/15/2013 - 13:33
The Gorilla report, proof of the corruption between political and economic elites, has since its appearance on the Internet on Christmas Eve generated a lot of passion in Slovak civil society. The question is now: will Gorilla trigger a real renewal of political elites? Or will it simply be swept under the rug?
Gorilla, a harmless animal against Slovak politicians
Gorilla, a time bomb on the Slovak political scene

01/14/2013 - 23:11
On December 28th, the Slovak government has declared the state of alarm, forcing doctors, including strikers to return to duty. Has the government exceeded its powers by undermining the fundamental rights of doctors? Was it a legitimate act to end at all costs the unprecedented crisis of medical care?
Doctors, kidnappers of Slovakia
Doctors, victims of Slovakia

07/04/2012 - 16:13
On Saturday March 10 2012 the legislative elections took place in Slovakia. The SMER-SD party won 55.3 % of the seats in the Slovak Parliament. Is the victory of SMER-SD a victory for Slovakia as well?
A democratic victory with a bitter aftertaste
The victory of stability and European perspectives