02/18/2018 - 13:18
Modern democracies often tread on a delicate line when it comes to the relation between freedom of speech and religious beliefs. In theory, democracies ensure both the freedom of speech and religious freedom of their citizens. But where does one person's right end to freely criticize a religious belief ? And where does another person's right begin for their beliefs to be respected?
Religion should not be our society’s sacred cow
Religion is never aggressive, but people sometimes are

01/26/2018 - 00:00
The Euro area or otherwise called the Eurozone refers to the 19 member states of the European Union (EU) that adopted the euro as their common currency. Most of the other remaining EU member states are required to join the Eurozone once they meet certain criteria to do so. But is it in Poland's best interest to join the monetary union?
Joining the Euro: not before we know what we sign up for
Eurozone – unquestioned opportunity or the Great Unknown

01/22/2018 - 22:00
The former radical Hungarian party, Jobbik, (meaning „Better”, short for „Movement for a Better Hungary”), has gone through a significant rebranding in the past few years. Will this spectacular turn bear fruit in the 2018 elections?
Where one must choose between the easy path and the right path
The right turned left: That’s hard to justify!

01/11/2018 - 00:00
A five-year term has passed and Czech citizens will be electing their new head of state. The Ministry of Interior has now confirmed the high number of nine candidates, including the current president Miloš Zeman, who is under a wave of criticism for his incompetence. The Czechs are confronted with a large range of new programs and even though Zeman's popularity remains strong, many will be wondering if a new face in the Prague Castle would be an improvement for the country? Could we expect a switch in the direction of Czech politics? Authors are Marie Lebeslé, student of a Pre-Med course in Prague and Nicolas-Vincent Eberhard, high school student.
Hope for a change
Change is an irrational risk

01/02/2018 - 14:50
This year, the legislative elections in Czech Republic (October 20th and 21st, 2017) took place in a particularly complex atmosphere. Indeed, the vote was marked by the clear victory of the liberal and populist party ANO (“Yes” in Czech), led by the former minister Andrej Babiš, which resulted in the collapse of the Czech social democratic party in power. Because this political situation is unprecedented, uncertainty prevails among Czech people. The question here, as well as among the Czech population, is whether or not this political disruption is a step forward or a step back for the country. The writers, Jan Kasnik and Alexandra Simaiova, are Czech students in the Dijon campus of SciencesPo Paris.
Czech legislative elections: a new dynamic
The Czech legislative elections or a big step backwards

12/25/2017 - 18:00
Most Central European countries share a complicated communist past with the Russian Federation and their current foreign policy varies a great deal toward their powerful neighbor, from one country to the next.
When Andrej Danko, the Speaker of the Slovak Parliament and Chairman of the Slovak National Party visited Russia at the end of 2017, he chose to hold a friendly, Russophile speech, stirring up much controversy.
Did this visit underline a new direction for Slovak foreign policy toward Russia? And how were his actions viewed back home?
Strange event for foreigners, nothing new for locals
Accept the challenge!

10/15/2017 - 22:01
This Thursday, the 12th of October and this Friday, the 13th of October, the French Minister for European Affairs, Mrs Nathalie Loiseau, went to Budapest to meet her Hungarian counterpart, the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Mr Szabolcs Takács. It was an opportunity for the French Minister to draw a roadmap for the future of Franco-Hungarian cooperation.
Finally a hand extended by France to Hungary!
Accept the challenge!

08/23/2017 - 16:23
The Polish Parliament approved laws which may jeopardize the Courts’ independence. The controversial reform bills provoked political mobilization in Polish civil society. The point of view of Aleksandra Wierzbicka, Polish student of political science in France.
The end of independent judiciary in Poland
Accept the challenge!

07/20/2017 - 07:55
The recent sanctions procedure initiated by the European Parliament against Hungary is part of the continuing deterioration of European-Hungarian relations. Is this country the real ugly duckling of the Union, or is it simply a scapegoat?
Put an end to “Hungary bashing”
For the benefit of Europe, criticize Hungary!

07/19/2017 - 19:10
US President Donald Trumps's visit and speech in the Polish capital, Warsaw, was labelled of 'historic significance' both by his own administration and by Polish politicians. But how did his speech resonate with the Polish people?
Poland has much to lose as an ally in Trump’s trade war
President Trump’s speech and Poland's future Role in the West