05/07/2015 - 00:00
Direct economic effects of globalisation are beneficial, but what about its side effects such as pollution and emission of greenhouse gases? Should we be concerned about increasing amounts of goods transported via international trade flows or can the opening of countries to international trade actually bring an improvement to their environment?
Globalization destroys our environment
Positive environmental impact of international trade in the long run

03/22/2015 - 15:00
Earth provides us with many goods and services, such as water and clear air, for "free". Can the destruction of the environment be stopped by putting a price on "free" ecosystem services or is it a false solution, creating more problems than it solves?
The « empty forest » syndrome and other bad ideas
The tragedy of the commons and other disasters of our times

03/17/2014 - 21:53
In May 2012, Croatian parliament passed a law to stimulate employment of young people without work experience, which contained a measure called “Vocational training without employment”. With a monthly compensation of 1600 HRK (210 EUR), young people are offered professional qualification in the period of one year.
A first step toward employment
Mediocre and exploited young workers

01/14/2013 - 22:53
In February 2012, the Prime Minister Donald Tusk's party proposed the pension reform that anticipates extending the retirement age both for men and women to 67 years. Is it really necessary to inscrease the retirement age to 67? Or should we search for other options that will not impose such harsh changes?
An obvious need for reform despite numerous objections
Wrong measures to overcome the demographic crisis

02/19/2012 - 20:05
The Word Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is an annual meeting of entrepreneurs, major politicians, intellectualists and journalists from all over the world. The summit, which took place from 26th to 29th January, constituted an important challenge for the Eurozone.
Davos: The European Union pinned down
The Swiss air invigorates the Union